
  1. Cimatti Alessandro; Giunchiglia Fausto; P. Pecchiari; B. Pietra; J. Profeta; D. Romano; Traverso Paolo; B. Yu, A Provably Correct Embedded Verifier for the Certification of Safety Critical Software, Computer Aided Verification - 9th International Conference (CAV 1997), vol. 1254, 1997, pp. 202-213, Springer
  2. Cimatti Alessandro; Enrico Giunchiglia; Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo, A Model Based Decision Procedure for Common Sense Temporal Reasoning, 1997
  3. Cimatti Alessandro; Giunchiglia Fausto; G. Mongardi; D. Romano; F. Torielli; Traverso Paolo, Model Checking Safety Critical Software with SPIN: An Application to a Railway Interlocking System, Third International SPIN Workshop [SPIN97], 1997
  4. Cimatti Alessandro; Giunchiglia Fausto; G. Mongardi; B. Pietra; D. Romano; F. Torielli; Traverso Paolo, Formal Validation & Verification of Software for Railway Control and Protection Systems: Experimental Applications in ANSALDO, World Congress on Railway Research [WCRR`97], 1997, pp. 467-473
  5. Bertoli Piergiorgio; Cimatti Alessandro; Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo, Certification of Translators via Off-line and On-line Proof Logging and Checking, 1997
  6. Cimatti Alessandro; Enrico Giunchiglia; Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo, Planning via Model Checking: A Decision Procedure for AR, 4th European Conference on Planning [ECP`97], vol. 1348, 1997, pp. 130-142, Springer
  7. Bouquet Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro, Mechanizing Local Reasoning with Contexts, Working notes of the IJCAI-95 Workshop on ``Modelling Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning``, 1996, pp. 13-23
  8. Cimatti Alessandro; Serafini Luciano, Mechanizing Multi-Agent Reasoning with Belief Contexts, Practical Reasoning, International Conference on Formal and Applied Practical Reasoning [FAPR`96], 1996, pp. 694-696, Springer
  9. Massimo Benerecetti; Cimatti Alessandro; Enrico Giunchiglia; Giunchiglia Fausto; Serafini Luciano, Context-Based Formal Specification of Multi-Agent Systems, Working Notes of the Third International Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages [ATAL-96], 1996, pp. 295-307
  10. Cimatti Alessandro; Traverso Paolo, Computational Reflection via Mechanized Logical Deduction, in «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS», vol. 11, n. 5, 1996, pp. 279-293, ISSN: 0884-8173, Wiley
  11. Enrico Giunchiglia; Armando Alessandro; Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro, Visual Representation of Natural Language Scene Descriptions, in «IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART A-SYSTEMS AND HUMANS», vol. 26, n. 8, 1996, pp. 279-293, ISSN: 1083-4427, IEEE
  12. Giuliano Antoniol; Caprile Bruno Giovanni; Cimatti Alessandro; Roberto Fiutem, Experiencing Real-Life Interactions with the Mobile Platform of MAIA, The Biology and Technology of Intelligent Autonomous Agents: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study on the Biology and Technology of Intelligent Autonomous Agents, 1995, pp. 296-311, Springer
  13. Cimatti Alessandro; Serafini Luciano, Multi-Agent Reasoning with Belief Contexts III: Towards the Mechanization, IJCAI-95 Workshop on Modelling Context in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, 1995, pp. 35-45
  14. Cimatti Alessandro; Serafini Luciano, Multi-Agent Reasoning with Belief Contexts: The Approach and a Case Study, Intelligent Agents, ECAI-94 Workshop on Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages, vol. 890, 1995, pp. 71-85, Springer
  15. Cimatti Alessandro; Serafini Luciano, Multiagent Reasoning with Belief Contexts II: Elaboration Tolerance, First International Conference on Multiagent Systems, 1995, pp. 57-64, MIT Press
  16. Armando Alessandro; Cimatti Alessandro; E. Giunchiglia; P. Pecchiari; L. Spalazzi; Traverso Paolo, Flexible Planning by Integrating Multilevel Reasoning, in «ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», vol. 4, 1995, pp. 401-412, ISSN: 0952-1976, Elsevier
  17. Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi; Enrico Giunchiglia; Armando Alessandro, MRG: Building planners for real world complex applications, in «APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE», 1994, pp. 333-357, ISSN: 0883-9514, Taylor and Francis
  18. Giunchiglia Fausto; Armando Alessandro; Cimatti Alessandro; Traverso Paolo, First steps towards provably correct system synthesis of system code, CADE-12 Workshop on Correctness and Metatheoretic Extensibility of Automated Reasoning Systems, 1994, pp. 28-30
  19. Cimatti Alessandro; Giunchiglia Fausto; G. Mongardi; D. Romano; F. Torielli; Traverso Paolo, Valutazione del CBR-tool orientato all`help desk `Case Advisor`, 1993
  20. Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi; Sandro Dalbosco; Serafini Luciano; Enrico Giunchiglia; Alessandro Armando; Paolo Pecchiari, MRG: sistema di ragionamento, in «AUTOMAZIONE E STRUMENTAZIONE», vol. 9, 1993, pp. 97-103, ISSN: 0005-1284, VNU Business Publications
  21. Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi; Sandro Dalbosco; Serafini Luciano; Enrico Giunchiglia; Armando Alessandro; Paolo Pecchiari, MRG: un nucleo di ragionamento per un sistema integrato multifunzionale, in «SISTEMI INTELLIGENTI», vol. 3, 1993, pp. 435-460, ISSN: 1120-9550, il Mulino
  22. Traverso Paolo; Luca Spalazzi; Cimatti Alessandro, A planning language and a semantics for real world autonomous agents, 1993 Italian Planning Workshop, 1993
  23. Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi, Beyond the single planning paradigm: introspective planning, 10th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 1992), 1992, pp. 643-647, Wiley
  24. Luca Spalazzi; Cimatti Alessandro; Traverso Paolo, Implementing planning as tactical reasoning, 3rd Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Simulation & Planning in High Autonomy Systems (AIS`92), 1992, pp. 80-85, IEEE Computer Society
  25. Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi; Enrico Giunchiglia, Building planners with explicit control mechanism, 2nd International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAI 1992), 1992, pp. 195-202, AAAI Press
  26. Cimatti Alessandro; Traverso Paolo; Luca Spalazzi, Programming Planners with Flexible Architectures, AI and Cognitive Science `92, 1992, pp. 311-314, Springer Verlag
  27. Cimatti Alessandro; Traverso Paolo; Sandro Dalbosco; Armando Alessandro, Navigation by Combining Reactivity and Planning, Intelligent Vechicles `92 Symposium, 1992, pp. 265-270, IEEE Industrial Electronics
  28. Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Paolo Pecchiari, A System for Multi-Level Reasoning, IMSA `92, International Workshop on New Models for Software Architecture, 1992, pp. 190-195
  29. Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi, Tactics: extending the notion of plan, ECAI-92 Workshop `Beyond Sequential Planning`, 1992
  30. Giunchiglia Fausto; Traverso Paolo; Cimatti Alessandro; Luca Spalazzi; Sandro Dalbosco; Serafini Luciano; Enrico Giunchiglia; Armando Alessandro; Paolo Pecchiari, Un nucleo di ragionamento per un sistema integrato multi-funzionale: stato di avanzamento, Automation 1992, 36th ANIPLA Conference, 1992, pp. 620-633, Pirella
  31. Giunchiglia Fausto; Cimatti Alessandro; Sandro Dalbosco; Traverso Paolo; Luca Spalazzi, MRG: un sistema di ragionamento distribuito per applicazioni complesse, Atti seconda giornata di lavoro del gruppo Intelligenza Artificiale Distribuita (DAI) dell`AI*IA, 1992

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